A different way to transition your business

About June Road

June Road is managed by an experienced entrepreneur, Jaclyn (Smith) Van Dril, who is looking to buy one strong, existing business to operate long term. The ideal business is people-focused and positioned for future growth.

For Jaclyn, June Road has personal significance as a symbol of lasting legacy, a characteristic she aims to find in the business she acquires. Her grandparents were original homeowners in Levittown, Pennsylvania and lived on June Road for more than 60 years.

Learn more about the type of business we are looking for here.


Jaclyn aims to build a strong relationship with the seller, and that begins with being transparent about our process. We expect the steps outlined below will take ~12-20 weeks in total.

  • 1 | Introduce

    Over an initial email exchange, we’ll better understand if the company fits the type of business I want to buy.

    We’ll introduce ourselves over a phone call to discuss your business and future plans.

    We both sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), as everything we discuss in the next phase will be treated as confidential.

  • 2 | Learn

    We’ll get to know one another better through additional conversations and as you share more detailed company information.

    We’ll sign an Indication of Interest (IOI) as a non-binding agreement of preliminary deal terms.

  • 3 | Assess

    We’ll sign a Letter of Intent (LOI) as a formal non-binding offer.

    My team will assess your company as a whole - beyond just financial performance - to determine it is a good fit.

  • 4 | Close

    We’ll confirm everything learned during the assessment phase and close out final legal & accounting steps.

    We’ll celebrate our mutual success and begin the transition.

Connect with us.